Professionals CCTV Solutions For Your Home And Business

We are the CCTV installers in Kenya, Nairobi, and all other major Kenyan towns. We also integrate security systems, update, and maintain all Nairobi and Kenyan CCTV installations. Full HD CCTV, IP-based CCTV installations in Kenya, and internet integrations for all varieties of CCTV systems are among our main services. Additionally, we provide and install locks in high-security areas throughout Kenya, server rooms, residences, special or private offices, and security rooms.

Be Vigilant With Our 24/7 Surveillance By Our Trained Professionals

By integrating sophisticated digital video technology and advanced software engineering, M-6 Security
Limited’s Video Surveillance provides high quality real time digital video recording and monitoring functions. Our CCTV Remote Monitoring and recording facilities deliver efficient, cost-effective site security through CCTV Monitoring, Incident Response and Management. We possess high-end CCTV Surveillance technology, expertise and the tools to provide instant alerts when trouble occurs ensuring that crimes against people and property are prevented or substantially reduced.

The Benefits of CCTV Remote Monitoring

The Business Crime Survey states that CCTV is thought to be the most efficient way to lower crime. We are well-positioned to fulfill our purpose of preventing or significantly reducing crime against persons and property with our extensive experience in serving a wide range of clients. Key benefits of CCTV remote monitoring are:

  • Routine reporting on suspicious persons, vehicles or incidents
  • Immediate reporting on potential threats
  • Surveillance on both internal and external environments
  • Permanent record of incidents and events
  • High specification technology and software
  • An experienced team of CCTV Monitoring Personnel
  • 24/7 Remote Surveillance and support
  • Bespoke services to meet each client’s special requirements